Contract Templates

contract templates

These Scope of Work (SoW) templates are meant for education only and do not constitute legal advice from NAVA or any of its officers or members. You should always consult your own attorney or agent to review the terms of any contracts you are offered to fully protect yourself in your particular situation.

Non Union Scope of Work (SoW) Contract Templates

How do I decide which SoW document to use?

There are two SoW document templates: one for paid advertising and commercials and one for non-broadcast non-paid media industrial recordings, such as e-learning, telephony, corporate narration, explainer videos, etc.

In order to determine which SoW document is the most appropriate for your engagement, and what additional information you will need in order to complete the template, ask your client the following questions:


Use the COMMERCIAL / PAID MEDIA SoW template.

Proceed to Question 2 below.


use the INDUSTRIAL / NON-BROADCAST SoW template.

For example: broadcast TV, cable TV, streaming TV, connected TV, over-the-top (OTT) TV streaming services, YouTube (pre-roll & mid-roll ads), social media (including Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.), terrestrial radio stations, online/streaming audio platforms (including iHeart Radio App, Spotify, Pandora, etc.), podcast platforms, etc.

Note: A traditional “cycle” is usually defined as 13 weeks, or approximately 3 months.

For example: nationally across the USA, internationally/globally, regionally (e.g. the Washington DC market which includes DC, Maryland, and Virginia), statewide (e.g. all of California), or locally (e.g. a single media market).

Note: Some digital marketers use “number of impressions” to explain how wide is the reach of a commercial instead of using geographic media markets. A lower number of impressions corresponds to a “local” reach, compared to a higher number of impressions, which corresponds to a “national” or even “global/international” reach.




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